Our annual Murder Mystery dinner was a grand success.  Food catered by Famous Dave’s accompanied by a murder mystery play kept everyone in stitches.  The plot:  Mayberry is not what we all remember!  Aunt Bee had a meth lab in her basement.  Everyone else had one reason or another to want her dead: Floyd (barber), Emmet, Alice, Otis (town drunk), Goober, Barney. Ann Margaret even appeared and apparently was an illegitimate child of Aunt Bee???? Seven tables put their heads together to put their best case together for who murdered Aunt Bee and why. Three of the tables came up with the right answer, but one had the best explanation. Thanks to all the actors, and a special thanks to Challis for producing, directing, and starring in the play.  Check out the short video of the square dancing which appears after the photos.


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