About 18 couples joined in the fun for the annual Sweetheart Run. The weather was perfect, and the bay emptied and refilled on schedule! Activities included dinner at the Mexican restaurant adjacent to the Back Bay Inn; lots of conversation; runs to see the seals up north; shopping in Morro Bay; looking at the ROCK; dinner at a couple of restaurants on Saturday night; along with just doing nothing. Saturday we all met at the Ancient Peak winery for a fantastic hot lunch and wine (of course). Some of our members seeking a little more adventure,  zip-lined in the afternoon – Great Job!  Cars were wiped each morning to get the early morning fog off. You might note that in a couple of the photos below, Hank was a bit challenged by a persistent bird that took a “liking” to his C6.  Liz and Dale, as usual, did a fantastic job of coordinating the run, and much thanks to them! Three C7s were among the group, which made it harder to drive for fear of drooling all over our shirts.

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